Thursday, October 21, 2010


Sitcoms are usually known to be comedies. They consist of short episodes with mainly a humorous story line, and have the same recurring characters and environment.  Sitcoms also have seasons; they'll run for a certain amount of episodes, take a break, and then start back up when the next season comes around. Also, people can expect the same things to be in sitcoms. Sitcoms usually have the same characters and environment in each episode.

If a show falls into these characters, it will fall into the sitcom genre. However, when sitcoms are brought to people's minds, funny and short are the two characteristics that will most likely come to mind, like The Office.

The Office falls perfectly into the sitcom genre. It has a humorous story line, and runs in thirty minute episodes. People do not watch The Office without wanting to laugh. Also, viewers can expect the same characters (Michael, Jim, Pam, Dwight, etc.) and environment (Dunder Mifflin workplace) in each episode.

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